Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Yes, today was the day! Three of my little cherubs went off to school. Once I got them all dropped off I went back home with the little guy and we danced a little jig. I will be dancing a bigger jig when he starts on Tuesday.

Just imagine it with me…
A time where all children are happily learning in their classrooms, taken care of, not lacking for anything, not needing mommy to rush home for some thing or other. Time alone moms! TIME ALONE! Yes, you can dare to dream with me, for those of you with little ones that wear you out to your very core, hang tight! They eventually all go to school!

Now before some of you get all self righteous on me, I’m not talking to you anyway so, move along. I’m talking to the mothers of those that have no off button. The little ones (and sometimes big ones) that never give their parents a break. They are the ones you see giving mom fits in the grocery store. Yes sometimes it really is more than horrible parenting so please spare us your judgmental looks and snide remarks and just be thankful for your perfectly compliant children. Some of us were blessed with those that don’t conform, they dance to their own drummer, they are their own person. Its wonderful when they are older, but these little ones are hellions to raise. Even for the best intentioned parents.

So I thought today that I would just be in bliss all day and everything would be like experiencing it for the first time again. But really… in reality… my happiest moment was when it dawned on me that I can pee with the door open again! Hey some of us just like a little freedom! Its liberating, try it!