Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to School - Sweet Salvation

I think I am on the verge of insanity.  I would have to be to raise four children all with their own little (big!) issues that make life so interesting and well... chaotic!

It currently sounds like World War II behind me.  Close your eyes and visualize with me.  Three boys (15, 11, and almost 3) talking, yelling at the X-Box, running in circles and standing in front of said brother that is trying to game.  Maybe there is a ball being thrown around behind me?  I refuse to turn around to look.  Mommy is blogging (la la la).

Then there is my daughter...my lone girl.  You wouldn't know it though, she plays as rough as the boys.  (Guess you have to when you have brothers).  She's a little mini mommy, its cute, she teaches her little brother his colors and numbers and such.

Have you ever longed for something so badly that you dream about it at night and it consumes nearly all your thoughts?  You find yourself distracted with other things because you are busy willing this thing to happen?  Yeah me too, that's how I feel about school.  (Come sweet salvation, come!)

The little one in all his sensory-seeking glory gets to start preschool this year.  I'm pretty sure I danced a rhythm-less little jig in the school office when they said all his papers were filled out and he's registered.  I couldn't help it, I lost control for a second, just a second.

I find myself waking at night from sheer excitement over the blessed day coming.  Counting the days, I cross them off on the calendar and tell the children its because I'm so excited for them to start another year and meet new friends and have new experiences (blush).  When in reality...I just can't wait for an hour and a half off every day where the little one is in preschool!

The very first thing I will do is run around the house naked I'm sure.  Don't worry, I'll close the blinds first.  (Hopefully I don't forget!)  Then when I catch a glimpse of my hasn't-been-seen-naked-in-awhile body I'll probably cry but then I will blend the largest coffee I've ever made and drink it shamelessly with whip cream and chocolate drizzle and any other sinful edible I can find.  Ahh how I dream of that day!

*bubble pops*

The Four Musketeers

But I guess for now I better go play referee again (seriously I should get paid) and I'm pretty sure the baby is on top of the table now so... ta ta!