Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Sensory Seeker

Yes, its exactly like it sounds.
I begin to panic because I realize its too quiet.  “Oh no!  He’s into something again!”  I begin calling his name and frantically searching the house.  He can’t go far, we have baby gates up though their only purpose is to slow him down long enough to catch him.

“Mommy!” he smiles at me, so proud of his ‘art’.  All I can do is close my eyes and laugh quietly (so as to not encourage him further).  “Oh honey, what a mess!”  I sigh as I begin cleaning up his latest liquid adventure.
He has a thing for spitting liquid, pouring liquid, whatever, into anything and everything he can find.  Yes, my almost-3-year-old is my sensory seeking kiddo.  If he’s not pouring milk or juice into my paper shredder or his legos then he’s usually on top of the table or running laps around the house.

Its like ADHD on speed is how I like to describe it.  Sensory Processing Disorder, I don’t fully understand it yet, but boy do I know how it wreaks havoc on a house, and family.  Frankly, its exhausting.  He has no off button, ever.  Hilarious at times, but yes, truly exhausting.

This blog is dedicated to all the mothers (and fathers) who chase these little ones all around their house, the grocery store, the park, everywhere.  Ours is the youngest of four and yet I was still ill-prepared for what a bundle of energy and love he is.

For those of you not in the know, (and that’s a lot of us) here is a link to get you started.

If you need a dose of humor regarding parenting with a dose of encouragement, you are in the right place.  I can’t promise to keep it clean (you know there are always good potty stories!) but I can promise you will always be entertained and hopefully leave with a sense of knowing you are not alone in this crazy world.

Thanks for visiting!